Manual Osteopaths are considered engineers of the human body. They learn and apply Science and physiology and blend treatments with something greater. The goal of treatment is to help a patient express themselves at all levels without limitations since "all structures perform best when midline" (Hartman, 1983). Manual Osteopaths work with alignment, mobility, and communication among all tissues. The cause and effect relationships within the body are observed/tested/treated/re-tested.
'Find the health and beauty and organize a treatment from there' (Druelle, 2015).
The systems treated during manual osteopathic therapy include traditional systems like the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and endocrine systems plus other Osteopathic systems like the Primary Respiratory System, Cranio-Sacral System, Fascial-Arterial-Venous Systems, the Grid systems, and the Morphogenic Fields.
In 1874, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still (above) described a form of natural therapy he was uncovering while living and practicing with American Aboriginals. Dr. Still was guided by Nature, the law of cause and effect, and the principle that we are connected to a greater whole.
1) The Role of the Artery is Absolute;
2) Structure and Function are Reciprocally Related;
3) The Inherent Auto-Regulation of the Body;
4) The Body works as a complete unit.
Philippe Druelle (above) is the pioneer of Osteopathy in Canada. Philippe is a Manual Osteopath and physiotherapist from France, he is also a professor, researcher, and homeopath and lover of dark chocolate and wine.
In 1981 Philippe opened the first Osteopathic College in Quebec (Le Collège d'Etudes d'Ostéopathie, CEO). In 1982 he started 'The Canadian Foundation for Education and Research in Osteopathy'. Philippe has worked tirelessly to open The Canadian College of Osteopathy (CCO) across Canada and Osteopathic Colleges across Europe offering the highest level of Manual Osteopathic training and research.
1) MANUAL OSTEOPATHIC PRACTITIONERS: Four to 8 years of Education in Canada or Europe. They perform manual therapy. Manual Osteopathic Practitioners are regulated by their respective Associations but not by the Federal Government in Canada.
2) DOCTORS OF OSTEOPATHY (D.O's): Four to six years of Education in the United States. Doctors of osteopathy are regulated by the Federal Government in Canada. They can administer pharmaceuticals, perform surgery, and some provide manual therapy treatments.
Graduates from the CCO have 2 designations: DOMP: Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice & DScO: Diploma in the Science of Osteopathy. Graduates from Quebec have the designation: D.O. (Diplôme d'Ostéopathie) but are different from D.O's trained in the USA.
Many health insurance companies provide coverage for Manual Osteopathy in the same way they do for Physiotherapy and Massage. Check with your provider to verify if a referral is required from your Doctor prior to treatment.